University Lecturer in Russian Literature
Department of Slavonic Studies,
The University of Cambridge
Alyson Tapp's current research is guided by an interest in emotion and literary form, and explores, from this perspective, the relationship between lyric and novelistic subjectivity in the Russian nineteenth century. She has a particular interest in sound and the literary representation of auditory experience.
Recent publications:
‘Ginzburg’s Rational Impressionism: A Translator’s Note’ and translations: ‘The Return Home’ and ‘At One with the Legal Order’ by Lydia Ginzburg, in Lydia Ginzburg’s Alternative Literary Identity, eds. Emily van Buskirk and Andrei Zorin (Oxford and Bern: Peter Lang, 2012).
‘”The Streetcar Prattle of Life:” Reading and Riding St Petersburg’s Trams’ in Petersburg/Petersburg: Novel and City 1900-1921, ed. Olga Matich (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2010).
‘Moving Stories: Emotion and Narrative in Anna Karenina.’ Russian Literature 61:3 (April 2007).